
Undocumented in source.



AVCAST5* av_cast5_alloc()

Allocate an AVCAST5 context To free the struct: av_free(ptr)

void av_cast5_crypt(AVCAST5* ctx, ubyte* dst, const(ubyte)* src, int count, int decrypt)

* Encrypt or decrypt a buffer using a previously initialized context, ECB mode only * * @param ctx an AVCAST5 context * @param dst destination array, can be equal to src * @param src source array, can be equal to dst * @param count number of 8 byte blocks * @param decrypt 0 for encryption, 1 for decryption

void av_cast5_crypt2(AVCAST5* ctx, ubyte* dst, const(ubyte)* src, int count, ubyte* iv, int decrypt)

* Encrypt or decrypt a buffer using a previously initialized context * * @param ctx an AVCAST5 context * @param dst destination array, can be equal to src * @param src source array, can be equal to dst * @param count number of 8 byte blocks * @param iv initialization vector for CBC mode, NULL for ECB mode * @param decrypt 0 for encryption, 1 for decryption

int av_cast5_init(AVCAST5* ctx, const(ubyte)* key, int key_bits)

* Initialize an AVCAST5 context. * * @param ctx an AVCAST5 context * @param key a key of 5,6,...16 bytes used for encryption/decryption * @param key_bits number of keybits: possible are 40,48,...,128 * @return 0 on success, less than 0 on failure

Static variables

int av_cast5_size;

@file @brief Public header for libavutil CAST5 algorithm @defgroup lavu_cast5 CAST5 @ingroup lavu_crypto @{


struct AVCAST5
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
