Allocate an AVCAMELLIA context To free the struct: av_free(ptr)
* Encrypt or decrypt a buffer using a previously initialized context * * @param ctx an AVCAMELLIA context * @param dst destination array, can be equal to src * @param src source array, can be equal to dst * @param count number of 16 byte blocks * @paran iv initialization vector for CBC mode, NULL for ECB mode * @param decrypt 0 for encryption, 1 for decryption
* Initialize an AVCAMELLIA context. * * @param ctx an AVCAMELLIA context * @param key a key of 16, 24, 32 bytes used for encryption/decryption * @param key_bits number of keybits: possible are 128, 192, 256
@file @brief Public header for libavutil CAMELLIA algorithm @defgroup lavu_camellia CAMELLIA @ingroup lavu_crypto @{