
Copy image data located in uncacheable (e.g. GPU mapped) memory. Where available, this function will use special functionality for reading from such memory, which may result in greatly improved performance compared to plain av_image_copy().

The data pointers and the linesizes must be aligned to the maximum required by the CPU architecture.

@note The linesize parameters have the type ptrdiff_t here, while they are int for av_image_copy(). @note On x86, the linesizes currently need to be aligned to the cacheline size (i.e. 64) to get improved performance.

extern (C) @nogc nothrow
ref ubyte*[4] dst_data
ref const(ptrdiff_t)[4] dst_linesizes
ref const(ubyte)*[4] src_data
ref const(ptrdiff_t)[4] src_linesizes
int width
int height
